Just for fun, click here to hear our exclusive rather short audio clip of the devisive vote on the spring 2011 Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill

Veterans for Peace
Chapter #114
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Veterans Working Together for Peace & Justice
Through Non-violence. Wage Peace!

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Financial Costs of War



The costs of war go far beyond the financial costs to US taxpayers.  The costs to other countries financially is not readily obtainable, but of course the main costs are in human life of combatants and civilians.  The maiming of people physically and psychologically goes on generation after generation.


Cost of invading Iraq: $26 billion (Department of Defense Comptroller Dov Zakheim April 16, 2003)


Ongoing military operations in Iraq: $3.9 billion per month (Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld July 9, 2003)


Ongoing military operations in Afghanistan: $1 billion per month (USA Today Sept 8, 2003)


Supplemental funding for fiscal year 2003: $62.4 billion (Congress approved April 2003)


Supplemental funding for fiscal year 2004: $65.8 billion (Congress approved November 2003)


Supplemental funding for fiscal year 2005: $50 billion (Fall 2003 per the Bush Administration)


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