Just for fun, click here to hear our exclusive rather short audio clip of the devisive vote on the spring 2011 Wisconsin Budget Repair Bill

Veterans for Peace
Chapter #114
Sheboygan, Wisconsin

Veterans Working Together for Peace & Justice
Through Non-violence. Wage Peace!

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Some general news for members......  most of this page's material is from articles or reviews submitted for national publication by VFP.
Please also see our upcoming events page and our links and resources page!

January 2012.  If you haven’t heard, our state elected an ultra right-wing “Governator” named Scott Walker last year. His efforts to balance our budget and reduce the deficit turned into a brutal assault on the middle class. Cuts in health care, corporate sweetheart contracts and an all out attack on collective bargaining rights of state workers had tens of thousands of ‘cheese heads’ outraged. In February we took a cue from Cairo and occupied the capitol building. Members of our chapter such as Chris Kuehnel equated this issue with our general concern for peace and justice and represented VFP carrying a sign saying: “Cut Pentagon… Cut Walker … Keep Bargaining Rights”. It was awesome to eventually see so many irate Badger citizens chanting “THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE!”

In March we hosted our 7th annual Anti-War Concert. Iraq veteran Jason Moon joined eight other local and regional talents as we all opposed the two wars and supported labor rights in song, poetry and humor. In May we showed our VFP colors again in the Memorial Day parade, this time no ‘boos’ were heard, only cheers!

We passed two resolutions that we’d like to share with the other chapters. As the national renewal dues have gone up and our local membership declines, we agreed to reimburse any renewals in our group $20/year. Secondly, we lost another WWII vet, founding member Larry Mac Donald in June. His family asked us to be a part of the memorial service. We quickly came up with a four point protocol offered for such events which ranged from a simple quiet presence wearing VFP colors, to more involvement such as honor guard, pallbearers and eulogy. You may read our ideas on our website: www.vetsforpeacesheboygan.org

As autumn set in, three of us (see photo) drove out East to join “Occupy Washington D.C.” We displayed VFP colors and carried “We Are The 99%” signs, we got to hear Ralph Nader speak, and say hello to friends like Ellen Barfield from Maryland . November saw our chapter break away from the traditional Veterans Day ceremony at the high school with its “peace through strength” rhetoric. We hosted our first Armistice Day gathering in the park focusing on themes like the futility of war and the human cost of war. “Today as we gather to honor them, let us keep in mind that one U.S. veteran commits suicide every 90 minutes.” Also in November this writer again traveled to Ft. Benning to attend the SOA-Watch. It was an honor to meet VFP Brian ‘more powerful than a locomotive’ Wilson . As this goes to press, we have gathered over 500,000 signatures for the Walker recall, and US ground troops exit Iraq !! As the war in Afghanistan escalates, we prepare for our 8th annual Anti-War concert for March. Take it easy, but take it.

Tom Contrestan
(920) 208-9427

Sept 2006.  VFP Sheboygan now has Official VFP white shirts with black lettering!  We are subsidizing the price for members, now only $12 each, so get one soon and show your colors at public events!  We have found these shirts to be great discussion starters as well as a way to increase membership.  Let Chris know your size and he will get you a shirt!

Sept 2006.  VFP Sheboygan will be offering $50 “scholarships” for the first four individuals to request it to attend this November’s SOA Watch.  Please let Ed or Tom know if you or someone you know is interested. SOA Watch (School of the Americas) will be November 17th thru 19th at Fort Benning, Georgia.  Charter coach bus travel from Milwaukee and 2 nights hotel costs $185 before the $50.  Just let them know and we’ll send you a check to assist with expenses!  Side note: this year will have extra demonstrations against the recently admitted FBI domestic spying on the peaceful organizing group as a ‘counter terrorism’ activity, whilst overlooking the atrocities committed by the US tax funded graduates.


All rights reserved worldwide.         www.vetsforpeacesheboygan. org        Copyright 2004-2020. 
You may print any page content of this site for your personal usage only, any other use is strictly prohibited. 
Our greeting cards, the Know Peace No War artwork, and the Peace Angel are all individually copyrighted
and can not be reproduced other than by license of Veterans for Peace Chapter 114.